Source code for evolutionary_optimization.evolutionary_algorithm.population

import copy
from copy import deepcopy
from random import shuffle
from typing import Tuple, List, Union

from evolutionary_optimization.fitness_functions.abstract_fitness_function import AbstractFitnessFunction
from evolutionary_optimization.phenotype.phenotype_model.abstract_phenotype import AbstractPhenotype

[docs]class Population:
[docs] def __init__( self, number_of_individuals: int, phenotype: AbstractPhenotype, ratio_of_elite_individuals: float, ): """Create and store phenotypes used in the Evolution object. The Population object is used by the Evolution object to create, store, evaluate and update phenotypes. Args: number_of_individuals: number of phenotype instances i.e. individuals in the desired population. phenotype: a phenotype instance with the desired genotype. ratio_of_elite_individuals: proportion of best scoring phenotypes in population that will be kept to the next generation. """ self.number_of_individuals = number_of_individuals self.phenotype = phenotype self.population = self._create_population() self.best_individual = phenotype.from_phenotype(phenotype) self.mutation = True if phenotype.genotype.mutation_probability > 0 else False self.crossover = True if phenotype.genotype.mutation_probability > 0 else False self.ratio_of_elite_individuals = ratio_of_elite_individuals
def _create_population(self) -> List[AbstractPhenotype]: """Create initial population of individuals. Returns: List of AbstractPhenotype instances of length number_of_individuals used in Evolution. """ individuals = [] for i in range(self.number_of_individuals): new_individual = self.phenotype.from_phenotype(self.phenotype) individuals.append(new_individual) return individuals
[docs] def create_list_of_new_individuals(self, n_new_individuals: int) -> List[AbstractPhenotype]: """Create a list of Individual instances. Args: n_new_individuals: number of desired individuals in list. Returns: List of random Phenotype instances of length n_new_individuals. """ new_individuals_list = [] for i in range(n_new_individuals): new_individuals_list.append(self.phenotype.from_phenotype(self.phenotype)) return new_individuals_list
[docs] def evaluate_population(self, fitness_function: AbstractFitnessFunction): """Find best_individual in population by calculating fitness scores for all individuals. For each individual in the population calculates the fitness score and stores the best individual in the population.best_individual attribute. Args: fitness_function: fitness function used to evaluate the phenotype. """ for individual in self.population: individual.evaluate_phenotype() fitness_score = fitness_function.evaluate(phenotype=individual) if self.best_individual.phenotype_value is None or \ fitness_score > fitness_function.evaluate(self.best_individual): self.best_individual = copy.deepcopy(individual)
[docs] def update_population(self, fitness_function: AbstractFitnessFunction): """Update population attribute following evaluation. Once all individuals in the population have been evaluated, the top individuals are kept (elitism), the remaining individuals are updated by a combination of mutation and/or crossover if these were defined in the Evolution instance. If neither was selected, the non-elite individuals will be replaced by randomly generated individuals. Args: fitness_function: fitness function used to evaluate the phenotype. """ elite_individuals, non_elite_individuals = self.split_elite_individuals(fitness_function) non_elite_individuals = non_elite_individuals[len(elite_individuals):] + deepcopy(elite_individuals) if self.crossover: number_of_individuals_for_crossover = int(self.phenotype.genotype.ratio_of_population_for_crossover * self.number_of_individuals) non_elite_individuals = \ self.crossover_for_population_segment(non_elite_individuals[:number_of_individuals_for_crossover]) + \ non_elite_individuals[number_of_individuals_for_crossover:] if self.mutation: for individual in non_elite_individuals: individual.mutate() new_individuals_list = elite_individuals + non_elite_individuals self.population = new_individuals_list
[docs] @staticmethod def crossover_for_population_segment(list_of_parents: List[AbstractPhenotype]) -> List[AbstractPhenotype]: """Perform crossover for a list of phenotypes. This method creates a new list of phenotypes (children) based on the parents' genotypes by calling the phenotype's crossover method. Args: list_of_parents: list of phenotypes which should be used to generate offspring. Returns: List of new Phenotype objects created from their parents' genotypes. """ list_of_children = [] if len(list_of_parents) % 2 != 0: list_of_children.append(list_of_parents[-1]) list_of_parents.pop(-1) for i in range(0, len(list_of_parents), 2): child_1, child_2 = list_of_parents[i].crossover(list_of_parents[i + 1]) list_of_children.append(child_1) list_of_children.append(child_2) return list_of_children
[docs] def split_elite_individuals(self, fitness_function: AbstractFitnessFunction) \ -> Tuple[List[AbstractPhenotype], List[AbstractPhenotype]]: """Split list of individuals into elite and non-elite individuals. The function will create two lists to separate out elite individuals i.e. ones with the highest fitness scores, from those with lower fitness scores. Top 10% of individuals (or at least 1) will be kept from a list. The rest will be assigned to a separate list, which will be updated using crossover and/or mutation. Returns: Tuple of List[Phenotype] and List[Phenotype] representing separate groups of elite and non_elite individuals. """ sorted_individuals = self.sort_phenotypes_by_fitness_score(fitness_function) elite_individual_threshold = int(self.number_of_individuals * self.ratio_of_elite_individuals) elite_individuals = sorted_individuals[:elite_individual_threshold] non_elite_individuals = sorted_individuals[elite_individual_threshold:] shuffle(non_elite_individuals) return elite_individuals, non_elite_individuals
[docs] def sort_phenotypes_by_fitness_score(self, fitness_function: AbstractFitnessFunction) -> List[AbstractPhenotype]: """Sort list of AbstractPhenotype by descending fitness score.""" phenotype_and_fitness_score_tuple_list = [] for phenotype in self.population: fitness_score = fitness_function.evaluate(phenotype) phenotype_and_fitness_score_tuple_list.append((phenotype, fitness_score)) sorted_phenotype_tuples = sorted(phenotype_and_fitness_score_tuple_list, key=get_score_for_sorting, reverse=True) sorted_phenotypes = [] for my_tuple in sorted_phenotype_tuples: sorted_phenotypes.append(my_tuple[0]) return sorted_phenotypes
[docs]def get_score_for_sorting(phenotype_and_fitness_score_tuple: Tuple[AbstractPhenotype, int]) -> Union[float, int]: """Key for sorted function used in split_elite_individuals object. Provides a key for sorting individuals by returning the phenotype's fitness score from a tuple of phenotype and fitness score. This is used with python's sorted function. Args: phenotype_and_fitness_score_tuple: tuple of phenotype instance and its fitness score. Returns: Float or int equal to a phenotype's fitness score. """ return phenotype_and_fitness_score_tuple[1]