Source code for evolutionary_optimization.fitness_functions.implemented_fitness_functions

from typing import Union

from evolutionary_optimization.fitness_functions.abstract_fitness_function import AbstractFitnessFunction
from evolutionary_optimization.phenotype.phenotype_model.abstract_phenotype import AbstractPhenotype

[docs]class MaximizeFitnessFunction(AbstractFitnessFunction):
[docs] def evaluate(self, phenotype: AbstractPhenotype) -> Union[float, int]: """Looking for maximum phenotype value. Args: phenotype: instance of Abstract phenotype being evaluated. Returns: The phenotype_value directly as we are looking for the greatest value. """ return phenotype.phenotype_value
[docs]class MinimizeFitnessFunction(AbstractFitnessFunction):
[docs] def evaluate(self, phenotype: AbstractPhenotype) -> Union[float, int]: """Looking for minimum phenotype value. Args: phenotype: instance of Abstract phenotype being evaluated. Returns: The negative version of phenotype_value as we are looking for the lowest value i.e. the most negative phenotype will become the greatest fitness score. """ return phenotype.phenotype_value * -1
[docs]class ApproachValueFitnessFunction(AbstractFitnessFunction):
[docs] def __init__(self, expected_value: Union[float, int]): """Initialise class. Args: expected_value: the value of the phenotype we are looking to find. """ self.expected_value = expected_value
[docs] def evaluate(self, phenotype: AbstractPhenotype) -> float: """Looking for a particular phenotype value. Args: phenotype: instance of Abstract phenotype being evaluated). Returns: The value of 1 divided by the absolute value of the phenotype. """ delta_to_expected_value = abs(self.expected_value - phenotype.phenotype_value) if delta_to_expected_value == 0: return 1 else: return 1 / delta_to_expected_value